
Comments (58)

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Hello everyone!

The development stages of Installation 19 has been very much alive. We've been focusing on key things based on the feedback that we've been getting not only through here but through our social media sites as well. It's been a difficult process to answer to every email, comment, and posting as it's just a five man dev team. However, we do devote some time to answer to as many messages as we can in a day.

We see a release date coming soon.
We truly thank you all.

  • NS.Dev Team.

Feel like this game could have been much scarier. Went into more detail in the video.

@Nurbs_Studios : Okay so I started playing your game and i have to say, it's a good start, but i have a few issues with it.

Issue One - Hazy & Blurry

This effect is really over powered and give me a massive pain in my head and strains my eyes really badly.

I would start by turning down the bloom and DoF effects as this seem to be the major issue as far as I can tell.

Hint: In the latest versions of Unity 2017 and beyond The Post Processing Stack replaces the old single effect script collection with one behavior Script and a generated effects profile that has all of the standard game effects included in one place.

It can befound in the top of the Unity Essentials catagory on the asset store. I use this all the time and it's true to the catagory name, an Essential.

This makes things alot easier on you the designer to fine tune the effect until it is pretty but not a stabbing sensation to the brain and eye. It shouls also be easy to write a Options Menu for the effects and include it in the next suggestion I have for you.

Issue Two - No Pause Menu?

If your game uses an auto saving feature, waitinf for the player to progress is fine and dandy, but we the players really should be given a secondary save method for when we need to shut the game down and go about our day.

If the game does not feature an autosave, or any save method for that matter. We should be given at least a pause menu which sets the time scale.

Hint: In Unity, use Time.timeScale to stop everything in the current scene when the Puse Button or Esc key has been pressed and have a small menu canvas popup with a few buttons to either resume or exit the game and/or exit to main menu.

This way when I want to exit the game, I don't have to use Alt+F4 to full stop the game.

Issue Three - Light Brightness

The Openeing area of the game has it's lights up a bit too high and it's playing havoc with the Bloom and Depth of Field. The screen overlay texture dirt is also adding to the issue.

A little bit of all of these goes a long way. The key is moderation and small value incriments.

a rule of thumb with unity? increase the light range to about 20-80 meters in many cases but reduse the light intensity to either half or a quarter

This lets the light cover more area but doesn't let the light blow out the scene unless there are a couple of light in the same general area.

My Final Thoughts...

You have a good start for a Horror game, but it need some more work for sure. I noticed it's an older version of unity and your last update was nearly a year ago.

I really hope you try and pick this back up and make it better.

I've played some spoopy games but overall this one has been the most unsettling game I've ever played from the immense darkness and ambiance.

This game was really awesome and really well made!... although i did break it lol. I couldnt find the way out but I still had a great time trying!


Animated Bloodshed
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